This is for those have been receiving the subtle whispers, or undeniably intense begging from your Soul that the next step in your evolution would be to begin to open your body and life to that greater force moving through…
Whether that be as a Song-Carrier, Freestyle Artist, Sound-Channel, Writer, Sacred-Circle Facilitator, or Embodied in Flow as a Creative of any kind.
I went from years of singing alone in my room, fearing my songs will never be heard or understood by the world… to absolutely paralyzed at countless open mics... To playing for Ceremonies, facilitating Song Circles, Hosting + MCing Freestyle Cypher Events, headlining Filled-Out concerts, and Performing at Festivals… all the while teaching people eager to learn and carry my original songs…
as well as now how to find their own authentic medicinal song channel and voice.
In this work, we use the power of music and creativity to call in and activate your unique medicine, and what areas you’re seeking to awaken in your life.
Everything I learned came directly from Spirit through countless hours surrendering to Her flow as the most essential thread of my own inner-connection healing, and it is this practice that has perhaps transformed and moved mountains in my life more than any. Together, we weave and design a curriculum unique to your own needs and desires, supporting you in anchoring into new practices and ways relating and attuning to Spirit, that sustain and expand limitlessly forevermore.Serving as a Soul Doula, we tap into ancient ancestral lines to awaken latent DNA, and rebirth your True Nature forth into new flowing streams of potential for your life.
Integrating with my “Source Sovereignty” spiritual coaching, Inevitably the inner-work and the outer musical expression merge as one - as this is a journey of reclaiming your Divine Embodiment - below as above.